Consider it a small briefcase or a large handbag, either way the Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag (Small) serves a wide variety of functions, from commuter bag to diaper bag. As is standard with all Timbuk2 bags, the Classic Messenger Bag (Small) is built to last. A rugged ballistic nylon exterior and extra-heavy-duty stitching throughout combined with a waterproof interior protect your notebooks, electronic devices, change of clothes, and other valuables. Inside the bag a number of organizer pockets, including a felt lined cell phone pocket, pen slots, and business card slot, keep small items from dropping to the bottom of the bag. Carry the Timbuk2 Classic Messenger Bag (Small) using the wide shoulder strap and with or without the removable cross strap. The cross strap keeps the load from swinging wildly when riding your bike or running.
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